John Kelly

Director of Projects at HL Advisors

With over 40 years of executive-level experience in Long-Term Care Management, John Kelly has consistently delivered exceptional results and significantly contributed to diverse organizations. His influential career includes driving organizational growth, strategic direction, fostering valuable relationships, and driving operational excellence through a “winning culture” emphasizing performance and values. Formerly a Senior Vice President and Corporate Officer, he commanded end-to-end responsibility for Operations, Revenue/Sales, Customer Success, Recruiting and Development, and Financial Performance. Leading a workforce of 7,000 employees across 700 locations in 14 states, John played a pivotal role in driving growth and success. Additionally, John serves as the President of the Board for Bootstraps, Inc., a community organization supporting Colorado High School Seniors. As a valued member of HL Advisors, he collaborates closely with talented partners to empower their clients to achieve extraordinary growth and success.